Friday, 20 July 2018

Tesseract: Gaming From A New Perspective

Tesseract: Gaming From A New Perspective

Get the edge over your competition with Tesseract: a new, immersive and revolutionary multi-axis gaming controller.


Tesseract is a brand new controller, designed with gaming at it’s core. We’ve found that Tesseract out-performs standard keyboard and mouse combinations 8 times of out 10,  in both online and offline racing, FPS and strategy games.

3D Design

Although the Tesseract is designed with gaming at its core, it can still excel within other operations, one of these being 3D design. Our team of CAD specialists have found that the Tesseract allows for simple 3D scene exploration, through its intuitive design.

Virtual Engineering

Tesseract is future ready; we’ve rolled out tests in the Daresbury Engineering Centre and found that Tesseract can be utilised for virtual engineering, allowing for fluid real world movements to be translated into the semi-virtual world.

Drone Piloting

Imagine controlling a drone, where your exact movements are mimicked, allowing for full control, which is button free and extremely effective. It’s time to stop imagining, because this is possible with Tesseract.

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