Friday, 27 July 2018

Best smart phone covers

nexpaq Kickstarter Video

nexpaq is a modular phone case. A module is a small square that has a unique function it adds to your smartphone; for instance a 3D camera or a blood-glucose monitor. One nexpaq case can hold up to 6 modules, all working at once. These modules can be shared between nexpaqs, even between iPhones and Androids.
Each nexpaq case has built-in battery power to boot (1000 mAh). This provides your smartphone with a significant amount of extra juice and powers all of the modules.
nexpaq is the first, and only, modular technology that can be swapped between Android and iPhone devices. What does this mean? Collect and share modules with other nexpaq users, regardless of their operating system allegiance!
It also means that if you decide to change smartphones you'll still be able to use your modules on your new phone, as long as you have a nexpaq case for it.
Slide 1 or 2 Amplified Speaker modules in for a remote audio device. With Hotkey modules it becomes a remote control for your phone (even for pictures and selfies) Stack USB, Backup, or SD card modules and make it a storage drive. Make it a super power bank by stacking battery modules, or use it to recharge them. Stack Air Quality and Temperature and Humidity modules to get remote information

Flitchio turns smartphones into a mobile gaming console and a game/smart-toy controller.

Play More, Carry Less with Flitchio: the World's First Smartphone Case with a Built-in Game ControllerFlitchio frees your screen and gives you tangible controls. Play dozens of Android games, pilot drones, control your smart TV, take selfies, and more. SDK and Unity plug-in available for developers.
To save carrying both a smartphone and a games controller as separate devices, Supenta based in the UK has created an all in one smartphone case and games controller called the Flitchio. Flitchio can also be used to control remote applications that have been designed to control quadcopters and other vehicles. Providing users with more precise physical controls rather than just a touch screen
The Flitchio project is currently over on the Kickstarter crowd funding website looking to raise £50,000 in pledges to make the jump from concept to production. So if you think Flitchio is something you could benefit from, visit the Kickstarter website now to make a pledge and help Flitchio become a reality with pledges starting from £39.

The World's First Smartcase From i-BLADES @idashblades

The most advanced and intelligent phone case ever is available now on Or visit our website The word's first Smartcase from i-blades. Upgrade your smartphone performance. The phone case that intelligently increases the capabilities and functions of your smartphone.

The most intelligent phone case ever designed. An award-winning modular design so you can snap-on power, storage and much more. It makes your smartphone smarter so you can do more.

FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO DO MORE The i-BLADES Smartcase is a protective phone case with built-in smart technology. Snap-on Smartblades to upgrade and add new features to your smartphone. Increase battery life, increase phone storage, add a micro SD slot, new sensors and much more.

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