Monday, 6 August 2018


5 Second FIX - Repair, Fix, and Seal virtually Anything

About 5 Second Fix 5 Second Fix bills itself as a liquid plastic welding compound that allows you to create an everlasting bond with just a flash of the UV light. They state 5 Second Fix is not a glue but will fix, repair, and seal virtually anything including metal, wood, glass, and more. So What Exactly is 5 Second Fix?

5 Second Fix is a liquid resin, not a glue, that stays in liquid form until it is cured with a UV light of a specific wavelength. This type of technology has been in use since the 1960s in industrial coatings because of its consistency and reduced environmental impact; a version of UV welding is used by dentists to fix teeth and is popular in 3D printing. While epoxies or glues are certainly good for certain things, the main benefits of a liquid “weld” resin in this type of application is that it has no fumes, no sticky residue, works on wet or dry surfaces, and almost instantly hardens but only when exposed to a specific light wavelength. The resulting weld/bond can be as tough or tougher than a glue. How Do You Use 5 Second Fix? 5 Second Fix comes in a pen-like device that has an applicator with brush on one end and a small UV light on the other. To use 5 Second Fix, they instruct you to brush it on the items you are trying to bond and press them together. Since it doesn’t dry from air/heat, you can reposition as necessary. Then, they tell you to shine the UV light on the liquid and voila! The two units are now melded as one. 5 Second Fix being used to repair a pair of broken glasses, a water pitcher, and even a drone. They tout 5 Second Fix can be used on a leather handbag strap a show it being used to weld a tow cable together and pull a 4,400 truck. They add 5 Second Fix is flexible and can be sanded and painted so it can be used everywhere. Bottom Line: Is 5 Second Fix a Good Idea for Repairs Around My House? UV-light curing resins are becoming quite popular (fly fisherman love them because they stay clear and work quickly; so do craft and jewelry makers) and we understand how it can be much more convenient than glues in certain situations. This is especially because: a) you can reposition the bond until it’s just perfect b) they only get hard when you want them to and c) if you leave the cap off the product won’t get ruined.

Fixate Gel Pads


1.Peel the protective plastic off your Fixate Gel Pad and keep the plastic in a safe place for future storage

2.Stick your Fixate to the desired surface.Remember Fixates work best on non-porous, clean surfaces

3.Stick your item/device to the Fixate.We advise testing items in a safe area beforehand

4.Twist and pull your item/device gently to remove it from the Fixate Gel Pad

5.Gently peel the Fixate off of the surface to remove

6.Wash, air dry and place your Fixates back in their protective plastic in between uses

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